Calling all pharmacists and other functional medicine providers!

Let’s gather “round” the table and discuss Women’s Health topics such as hormone balance, diet, estrogen detoxification, thyroid as we gear up for our next big conference. Join Drs. Lara Zakaria, Vanessa Lesneski, and Melody Hartzler for this engaging discussion.

This round table will give you a chance to ask questions, meet other functional medicine pharmacists “virtually” and get a sneak peek of what our July program will entail!

The round table is June 30th at 8:30 pm EST. Make yourself a cup of tea and join us on zoom!

It’s free and register at this link. See you on the 30th!

*Note registering for the webinar, also adds you to our email list, we will keep you updated on all the upcoming training programs we have!