Easton Bryant – Functional Medicine CE

Easton Bryant

Easton Bryant


Ever seen a pharmacist recruit patients, families, children, and pets to be involved in a hip-hop- centric marketing campaign? Easton Bryant is an independent pharmacy owner and consultant in Kentucky who believes “If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong!” He enjoys coloring outside the lines and says, “If you’re not standing out, you might as well be invisible,” when it comes to showcasing what independent pharmacies have to offer.

Easton graduated from the McWhorter School of Pharmacy at Samford University, spent a few years in big box retail settings, and opened North Century Pharmacy in 2014. Raised the son of a pharmacist, his journey into the profession didn’t go as you might assume, yet he’s found himself exactly where he needs to be.

His evolution into a social media powerhouse and advocate for patient empowerment has been full of surprises and epiphanies, sprouting a rapidly growing 7-figure e-commerce business rooted in functional medicine principles.

Not only is Easton passionate about equipping the masses with impactful knowledge and resources, he is an advocate for the health of independent pharmacies as well. He heads up The Rx Grid, a collaborative mastermind composed of compounding pharmacies from around the country.

With creative know-how and an eye for trends, he offers actionable advice on delivering value to a starving audience. He’s a guitarist, loves all things leadership, and constantly strives to balance his passion for wellness with his passion for peanut butter.