Liam LaTouche – Functional Medicine CE

Liam LaTouche

Dr. Liam LaTouche is a Naturopathic Doctor and educator in Ontario, Canada. With over 15 years of experience in fitness/rehabilitation and additional training in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Applied Kinesiology, Neural Therapy, and Homotoxicology, Dr. LaTouche has established a clinical focus in complex chronic disease, including stealth infections, biotoxin illness, autoinflammatory and autoimmune diseases, metabolic and digestive conditions, chronic pain, and chronic fatigue. Dr. LaTouche uses an integrative mind-body approach, rooted in the philosophy of Bioregulatory Medicine, to help patients who experience conditions that have been difficult to diagnose and treat in conventional settings, and who have had limited success working with other practitioners. In addition to clinical practice, Dr. LaTouche is a part-time faculty member at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as well as a medical consultant for Vita Aid Professional Therapeutics, where he supports health care practitioners with current research and tools for achieving optimal clinical outcomes.